Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Partner in Crime

Our ultrasound yesterday went smoothly, baby is in the 55th percentile and everything looks on track. At Cole's 20 week scan we were told that he had a 2 vessel umbilical cord and we had to have numerous ultrasounds to monitor his growth. We were spared that drama with this baby, but it is crazy that we won't see him again until his birthday - we saw Cole 6-7 times before he was born.

The big news of the day is that Cole is getting a little brother - a willing participant in his naughty antics and a best friend for life. Just like his big brother, he flashed us his jewels within the first 5 minutes of the ultrasound. Nick and I had our fingers crossed for a girl, nothing against Cole (or boys) but just because we wanted "one of each." At the same time, the idea of brothers is pretty cool and we are smitten with Cole - so another little guy like him sounds pretty great to us. I am mourning the loss of the perfect, super cute girl nursery I had planned in my head and brainstorming boy ideas. Last night we pulled out our baby name book and found a list of names we had made when I was pregnant with Cole. Of the 10 names on the list, not including Cole, we still kinda like 2...so we have some work ahead of us. Naming babies is torture!!

Nick is happy that he has a backup now, just in case Cole does inherit my genes...there will still be hope for athletics in the family.


  1. Awesome! 2 little boys, so close in age. They're so lucky! And so are you! Congratulations.
    P.S. If Lucy and Cole don't hit it off she can always go after the younger Fuchs boy!!

  2. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to get an update on the name!
