Monday, January 31, 2011

Day Care Drop Off Hell

Cole has a relatively new day care situation this month. Grandma Chris has several trips to FL planned so we had to find some backup care. Cole will be going to Susan's every Wednesday and, when my Mom is in FL, he will go full weeks. Kristin and Cole went for a few test runs, to meet Susan and the kids and he really seemed to like it. However, now that the plan is in place and he goes without Kristin, his feelings are changing...Grandma Chris left for FL last Monday and returns Super Bowl Sunday, so Cole has quite the long run going.

Day 1: I dropped Cole off at day care for the first time. It actually went pretty well. He was a little hesitant, but he ended up just clinging to Susan, the babysitter. By the time I left he was even starting to play with the other kids. When Kristin called to check in, all was fine. At pick up Cole was busy playing with another kid and hardly gave Kristin a second glance.

Day 2: Second time not so good. He clung to me for dear life. At first he was just whining. Then Susan held him for a little bit and he seemed fine and only whined a little. She then put him down by some toys and he instantly started to cry and crawl towards me. She plopped him back up and I waved goodbye. He started to cry much harder and reached out to me. I felt horrible but realized I just needed to leave and not drag it out for him. Hopefully he will quickly forget that I ditched him. I told Kristin that he was crying and I was going to turn around and go back to rescue him. She was surprisingly gullible and called me right away to tell me to go to work. It was hard leaving a crying Cole with the babysitter. I didn’t think I would really care…I know he’ll be fine.

Update #1: Cole is not doing fine. After being at the babysitter's for about 3 hours he is still sad. He won't eat or let Susan put him down. He also apparently cries when he looks at the other kids. Yep, I feel even worse.

Update #2 (about 2:30 p.m.): Cole still not happy, but Susan's husband came home and was able to calm him down and even got him to start playing with the other kids. So, it sounds like Cole already found a new dad...little shithead! Does he think I can't go grab another baby? He must have forgotten we are brewing up a a new one right now.

At pick-up Cole cried and cried when he saw Kristin.
I can't wait to do this again tomorrow. I hope Grandma Chris is enjoying Florida. It may be her last trip.

Day 3: See bad camera phone picture below? Yep, enough said.

Update: Much better report than yesterday, Cole stopped crying shortly after I left. Still pretty clingy and whimpered on and off, but did play with some of the kids and is did a little talking. Whew.

At pickup Cole saw Kristin and started sobbing. Screamed bloody murder the entire 30 minute ride home.

Day 4: Pretty much no change. This sucks!

Day 5: Same story again...Kristin and I in a stand-off; neither of us wants to call for an update and hear the sad news!

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