Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Busy with activities

The most exciting news of late...the boys take showers now. I think this is a pretty big step in life. It is nice for Kristin and I. Shower time is a lot easier and quicker than tub time. I'm greedy though, so I hope they also start to brush their own teeth and wipe their own asses soon. Surprisingly, I think I hate brushing teeth more than wiping butts...can that be true?

Luckily there are still these moments of increased independence. We are definitely starting to get busier and busier with kid activities. Luckily this should only last until they are 18. There is always something going on; Henry's gymnastics, Cole's soccer, swim lessons, Cole's homework and other life stuff like eating and sleeping. We recently felt bad because Cole missed out on this boy scout thing because he had soccer (and we kinda forgot about it).

So, here are some pics of the latest and greatest activities...

Henry is not big on doing organized activities, but he loves his gymnastics. 

I was on my own for Cole's first soccer game. This also goes down as the worst day of my life. He refused to play and was a super jerk. His teammates were really nice to him and he just pushed them away and wouldn't talk. I came very close to just punting his ball into the pond and going home. Somehow I managed to not do that. I can't say I completely kept my cool though. 

Luckily Cole played in his second game.

Playing with Henry's bug. It died soon after these photos. I'm not a bug doctor, but my guess is the bug starved. No one fed the thing so I think it is a pretty solid theory. 

A grape between two pieces of pepperoni. Yum. 

We need to add another bathroom ASAP.

Update:  Cole continues to participate in soccer according to his whims. It is turning out to be kind of a nightmare. Hen and I have nice hangouts though. He loves running with me on the path around the pond and then playing on all the rocks. Although, I'm sure he will fall soon and get hurt and then I will be in trouble.

This is probably only the second or third selfie I have ever taken. Is it still a selfie if someone else is in it? 

And finally, a very successful mushroom hunt with Normal Grammie and Grandpa.

Those are mushrooms, not white boulders

Speaking of Boulder, he is very much still alive and well and living quite the adventurous life in Hen's imagination. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Big Days

Before we get into the first day of school for the boys, we have to mention the shit fit Henry threw when he remembered, at bedtime, that he never got a dessert. He sobbed for probably 30 minutes. It was unreal. This kids seriously loves food. Unlike a Gremlin, just feed him even if it's after midnight. The consequences are worse otherwise.  

It was a week or so ago now, but Cole had his first day of full blown, all day, kindergarten. Very exciting (and emotional for Kristin). Cole didn't seem nervous at all. I couldn't believe it. No real hesitation getting on the bus or anything. All excitement. Kristin cried a little bit, of course.

Upon Cole's return Kristin cried again and said, "I'm so glad you're home!" I think Henry missed him too.

The following day was Henry's 1st day back at Preschool, same school, different teacher and a lot of the same classmates. 

This is a keeper for the wedding slide show

Later that week he talked Normal Grammie into taking him to Grasches for a $6 cookie for himself (at 8:30 a.m.) and then decided he wanted to get one for Mrs. Peterson too. He later decided "maybe me and Mrs. Peterson should have cookies every school day together."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Medals, trophies and graduations

In summer sporting news Cole added a T-ball trophy to go with his soccer trophy. He's up to two now, so he's catching me fast and already doubled the number of trophies his mother ever received.

Henry decided not to sit by us to watch Cole's T-ball game.

Participation trophy! I tend to agree with James Harrison on this, although at this age I'm not too bothered.

Henry got his first medal. Yes, another participation award.

This is possibly the worst picture ever taken of any group ever

More importantly, he got ice cream.

It rained and we found Cole making huge mud balls. 

No trophy, but Cole did recently graduate from Safety Village. I'm not surprised. He's usually pretty safe.

I should be getting another trophy for my collection as Ryan and I beat Jason and Joe in the second annual Fransenuchoner Fishorama on Pewaukee Lake. Last year we came in 2nd (yes, out of two boats).

I also recently received a medal for participating in the Rugged Maniac 5K Run. It was hard, so I actually think I do deserve this.

Kids with corn...should get cutest corn eating picture award in my opinion.