Thursday, February 17, 2011

This one's for you Uncle Ben

Living in Philly, Ben doesn't get to see Cole as often as he would obvious downfall to living on the East Coast and so far away from us.  Ben has requested that we post more video of Cole so he can see him walking, demanding his favorite snacks like pancakes, beans and peas, and pretending to bite Bella and then saying, "no" in his best serious voice. All really important stuff if Cole is the center of your universe and you find most of his antics either adorable or hilarious. It is actually a great request because it will force Nick and I to pull out the video camera more often, something we don't do enough.

We realize not everyone is interested in these little clips so we added a spot for "Weekly Video" at the end of the page. If you want to see Cole's latest trick, it is up to you to scroll down and check it out - no reminders Ben!


  1. In the future we will try to post clips a little more exciting than Cole pushing his beans around.


  2. i'm super excited for the video of the week!!!
