Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day Awesomeness

Well, maybe not awesome as snow days of yore when Nick and I would walk down to North Avenue, meet friends for lunch and end up drinking the day away...but still pretty great.

We did some early morning shoveling followed by pancakes and coffee; then we bundled up for some sledding. Cole seemed to enjoy it, although as predicted, the "bundling" took longer than the time actually spent outside, mostly because I could not get my snow pants buttoned. I tried out a variety of closure options before I just sucked in as much as I could and Nick quick snapped me in. There was no bending after that so I just toddled along behind, taking pictures.

Later Nick did MORE shoveling and Cole participated in his new favorite pastime; emptying clean baskets of laundry.

He loved looking outside and saying "Dada?"

In the afternoon the sidewalks seemed clear so we headed out for a walk to Whole Foods - there was so much snow piled on the sides it was like walking down snowy hallways. Then home for some baking and more playing.  Pretty nice bonus day off from work and daycare with my two favorite guys.

Nick would like me to add that he did build a sled for Cole, a mis-mash of a toddler swing, a piece of wood and some rope. It DID work, but the neighbors let us borrow theirs - Cole was not loving the reclined position the homemade version had to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very motivated of you to be traveling around outdoors, I need to get my waddling butt out there so my kids remember what fresh air is! Sounds like a wonderful day :)
