Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homestead Hit and Run

Living on the Eastside, close to UWM, we are used to a certain level of street noise - mostly coming from college kids around bar time. We actually don't notice it too much and have never experienced a real issue with the kids or their drunken shenanigans. Sure, Bella has eaten her fair share of puke and discarded pizza crusts thanks to their binge drinking and late night snack time, but really nothing that we find to be a big deal. If you feel daring, ask about other things Bella has gobbled down on our walks that are too gross to mention on the blog.

At about 5:15 on Saturday morning we experienced our first "big deal."  Kristin and I heard a loud crash right outside the front of our house. We both got up and looked out the window but all we could see was a bunch of kids standing outside talking. We expected to see a couple of cars in the street dealing with the accident, but all we noticed was a kid limping around. I was about to open the window and tell the kids to shut it when Kristin (a.k.a. Columbo) noticed a clue. Being an excellent detective she noticed a tire track leading right up to the front of our house. We quickly realized that there wasn’t a car accident, but rather one single car crashing into our house. We quickly ran outside to see what happened. Luckily, we saw that the car was stopped by the front retaining wall that surrounds our (dead) landscaping. I’ll give kudos to our neighbor Cosmo, who constructed the wall, and Mother Earth for being able to stop a car dead in its tracks.

We talked to the college kids milling about who explained the story. Apparently, they busted someone "robbing" their house. They caught him with someone's girlfriend’s cell phone in his pocket. They excitedly told us how they put him in a headlock but ended up letting him go.The guy ran to his car which happened to be parked in front of our house.  The robber then decided to try his hand at murder and gunned the car straight at the kids, who had chased him down the street and were now standing next to our stone wall. He actually hit one of the kid’s legs, the "Limper" we had spotted from our bedroom window. He somehow seemed okay and insisted he didn’t need medical attention (probably because he was hammered).

At first we were really grateful that the stone wall protected our house and stopped the car. But after some thought we decided if we still only had a little grassy hill, the car would have hit our super ugly porch and we would be getting some insurance money to build a nice, new porch...

Our poor wall

 Surprisingly no broken stones; but broken parts of the car

I think it may have shifted a little

 But doesn't seem to be leaning though...or does it?

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