About Us

The Fuchs family consists of Nick, Kristin, Cole, Henry, and Bella. Kristin and I met in high school, went to college together and got married...nothing much to tell there. I guess we are just the classic high school sweethearts. We had our first child on November 30, 2009 and decided to put this blog together to tell our tale and see where it takes us. Enjoy.

Nick Fuchs (a.k.a. Dad): I am the main author/writer for The Fuchs Report with editing by Kristin. Things I like include; nacho cheese Doritos dipped in cheese sauce, photography, hot toddies, boating and Packer football. I am a City Planner for the City of Franklin, WI.

Kristin Fuchs (a.k.a. Mom): Kristin enjoys family walks, shopping, cleaning (the more bleach the better), organized closets and celeb gossip. She is a fan of all things related to interior design and home decor and loves to do "house projects" in our 1903 era home. Kristin just recieved her Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and is preparing to embark on her job search.

Cole Fuchs (a.k.a. Lovebuggy, Bubber, Little Fat Man): Cole loves playing outside, saying hi and bye to everyone and everything, and loves being a big brother.

Henry Fuchs (a.k.a. Hank, Hanky-poo, Hank the Tank): Henry is a big healthy boy and can already hold his head up.

Bella Fuchs (a.k.a. the dog): Before Bella was adopted (by us) the breeder had named her Beyonce. She was so very thankful to come home with us and escape a would-be future of booty shaking and public appearances. She is a sweet girl who is very loved...even after she ate $400 CASH and instantly doubled her worth.