Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dog for sale...or for free

Bella has her positive aspects but as of late her crazy is overshadowing those few good character traits. We think she might be jealous of the boys, but can't be sure. Maybe she's just gone mental. I don't know. No matter what you are doing she will park herself as close to you as possible, her skin must be touching part of you at every moment. We are constantly tripping over her after she parks herself behind us at the kitchen sink or while we are changing a diaper. We are usually holding Henry so it is lucky he hasn't gone flying.

On Saturday she was nothing short of nuts. Shaking, sitting on us, whining, panting and pointless barking. So strange, and most importantly, so ANNOYING. She also exhibits behaviors similar to this during football season. Something about the crowd noise from the TV sends her into a tizzy.

Like we said, she is great with the kids and cleans up nicely after them (which is enough of a reason to keep her), but lately she is just maddening. We need Caesar Milan or a dog psychologist to pay us a visit STAT.

just a normal Saturday, panting, shaking and climbing on the table
clueless as to why we are yelling at her constantly
still very sweet to Henry, let's him climb on her and pet her to his heart's content

Friday, July 20, 2012

We hoped for a Henry...but we got a Hank

I don't know if everyone feels this way, but I picture very different personalities when I think of a boy named Henry and a boy named Hank. I picture a little boy named Henry sitting down nicely, reading a book and being very polite to everyone. Now, I picture a little Hank...I see a boy screaming, running around, hitting and maybe sneaking a beer.
Our little Henry/Hank growls a lot. He squirms whenever you want him to be still. He tries to climb everything, even though he can barely stand on his own. I am definitely feeling we will be calling him Hank in the future.

It looks like it may be all downhill from here for Henry. I can't imagine him having this much fun ever again.

Update: Henry took his first steps on Tuesday. Kristin reports it was a total of 4. I was not there, so we will have to take her word for it. I have yet to see a single step for myself.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cole the Conversationalist

Cole is quite the chatterbox lately and we now have actual little conversations. Below is an example of the latest little convo we had while he was taking a bath:

Dad: "What did you do today?"

Cole: "I played toys."

Dad: "What else did you do?"

Cole: "I was naughty."

Dad: "What did you do?"

Cole: "I threw the football at Henry." He has been told a countless number of times that Henry is too young to play catch.

Cole: "I had a timeout."

I checked with Kristin and his story checks out. Totally accurate. He was a naughty little shit today.

Cole not being naughty...making a bouquet of weeds and sticks for Mommy. Exactly what she deserves.