Monday, April 21, 2014

Funny story and recent pics

As the parents, we of course think that everything the boys say is hilarious, so sorry if this is not at all amusing. Anyway, Cole was having one of his girlfriends over (yeah, multiple just like his Dad) and the first thing he said was, "Before you got here I went poop, but don't worry, I washed my hands." One of the better, more upfront pick-up lines I have ever heard.

A nice evening means early bath and a neighborhood walk in jammies and rain boots

This particular walk was cut short by a Cole poop emergency. I had to pick him up and run, while trying not to bounce him around too much (didn't want to jostle a poop out). 

At the Zoo for breakfast and to meet the Easter Bunny. 

This accurately shows the level of fun we had at the Easter Bunny breakfast

Henry got scared and I had to hold him, but Cole loved the merry-go-round. It was merry. Very.

Nice work Cole. Oh wait! That's your cousin!

Some rooms at the new house have perfect hardwoods under the carpet - no such luck in this one. On the plus side this means we will be refinishing them all and picking a new stain color that isn't so orange. 

Reading time at Barnes & Noble. 

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics. The beams in your new house are awesome!
