Monday, March 3, 2014

Movie Time

I feel a little bit better about the winter weather after taking the kids to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. If you've read this book or seen the movies, you know the weather could be worse! Actually, we saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. We thought we were seeing the first one because the Marcus website forgot the "2." The boys are very familiar with the book so luckily seeing a movie about what happens after the book didn't seem to phase them.  Mark it down, this was the kids first movie theater experience.

Overall, it went pretty well. The boys ate their weight in popcorn and snacks. During a few scary parts, Cole said he wanted to go home. A couple times pretty loud, so I was waiting for another parent to tell us to just take the poor kid home. He pulled through though, and I think he enjoyed the movie. I did have to take Cole out of the movie once to get more snacks, but really I think he just wanted a break. This was my first time ever leaving a theater during a movie. At least I got a hot dog out of it. Sadly, the dog was $4.75. Outrageous! Henry also spilled yogurt everywhere. All over his pants and the seat. Although, I spilled a big glob of ketchup and mustard on my shirt, so I won't throw stones.

Below are some dark pictures of our experience. I didn't have the balls to turn on the flash.

Another first over the weekend came in a game of swords between Cole and I. Our first game ever. I was going to the bathroom, when suddenly Cole popped in and pulled up (and out) next to me while I was going. When I was done he asked why my sword melted. I think I will enjoy getting bathroom privacy back some day.

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