Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mo' Babies Mo' Problems

I have discovered that having kids means there is always a problem or issue. No one is ever happy at the same time. If one is sleeping well, the other isn't eating. If one is happy, the other is hitting the dog. Nothing stays the same for too long and new issues always crop up. I have a feeling this doesn't end until they leave the house, which is sort of depressing. Anyway, Henry is the cause of the latest issues. Over the past couple weeks we have been dealing with a rash (due to a possible peach allergy) that requires a lot of prescription cream and then we have to cover the cream with Aquaphor...and then try to cover his sticky mess of a body with clothes.  I have no idea how Henry gets comfortable at night. I imagine his onesie just gets glued to his body. He doesn't seem to mind though.

Another current event we are dealing with is Henry's nighttime peeing habits. I don't know if he just saves it all for middle of the night peeing or he is mostly bladder on the inside, but either way there seems to be no diaper able to contain the amount of pee he dispenses throughout the night. We went to nighttime diapers which always worked for Cole, but they are no match for Henry as evidenced by the pictures below. Every morning we have to strip off the pee soaked jammies and give him a quick bath to wash off the diaper crystals and pee. A morning bath is a lot of work so we are brainstorming ideas to combat the excessive amount of pee that gets everywhere. Kristin wants to stuff a "lady product" in his diaper, but I don't think I can allow that. Seems weird and could affect his manhood in the future. Maybe we rubberband that little thing so he can't go at all at night. Hmmm...

Thankfully everything is alright in Cole's world right just as we rid Henry of his rash and get control of the urination situation we will be on the edge of our seats to see what problem Cole tosses our way.

Now that's a pee spot!

Look at the size of the diaper. Trust me, all pee.

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