Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Wrap-up

The Fuchs' 2011 holiday season as told by pictures...
After a present filled Christmas Eve at my parent's, the boys woke to lots of presents from Santa

Cole did a lot of grunting trying to open presents

Later the Grandparents Stear and Uncle Ben came over for more present opening and failed brunch

The aftermath

The breakfast pizza as attempted by Grandma DJ. The egg dripped all over the oven and smoke was everywhere. Our house stunk for two days.

The oven was a mess!

No smoke detector went off during the breakfast pizza debacle, so Cole and I strapped on our tool belts and installed two more smoke detectors in the house.

New Year's was pretty wild this year with many games of Yahtzee and Rummy 500...and Henry crying for an hour. Look how much fun we're having. Kristin is trying to get Henry to bed after my failed attempt. Obviously not a big one there, Kristin is drinking a Gatorade and it looks like she decided to read a magazine mid-game.


  1. Love the boy's chairs. Where did you get those?

  2. i would never be allowed to read a magazine if we were playing cards, so jealous!

  3. The chairs are P'kolino brand bought on Amazon. They apparently say they don't tip over because of the wide base. Not true. Cole tipped over immediately. Luckily they are small and it's not a long way down.
