Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Know Your States

Before Cole goes to bed we have started teaching the location of different states. I don't know any other two year olds, so I'm really not sure if this is impressive or maybe Cole's slow and he should know them all by now. I'm impressed but I am also his parent...and admittedly not the brightest. After this video we taught him Michigan, Maine, Iowa and Oregon as well, so I think he knows about 17 states. We'll see how quickly he can point to all 50; although, once he can read this exercise will seem to have been pretty pointless. If I only knew my capitals better we could try that next.


  1. Way to go Cole!!! I'm impressed!

  2. hi heidi
    the map is actually a puzzle we mod-podged (your fav!)and mounted on foam board. we got it at pottery barn kids at mayfair before it closed.

  3. You should be very proud.

    My grandaughter however can point to the each state, say all of the Capitol Cities in two languages and then draw each and every state flower. Just want to give you some persepctive ☺

    From Great Uncle Bill
