Friday, February 20, 2015

Conferences, Turtle Obsession

We had conferences today with the boys teachers. Kristin got us off to a good start by being about 10-15 minutes late. She is irresponsible and mixed up the times. Luckily, I am very responsible, a much better parent and showed up right on time. Anyway, we are proud to report that we heard only good things about the boys. Believe it or not.

We also heard that Henry's teacher is well aware of his turtle obsession. He is seriously obsessed with turtles. So much so it is necessary to dedicate an entire post to it. He wants a pet turtle so bad. He talks about it constantly. He begs for a pet turtle daily. If the boys are playing pretend whatever, Henry always says he is a baby or grownup turtle. The boys spent a good chunk of a day playing "turtle." No idea what that is. At school, he even told Zoey that he was getting a
pet turtle.

Henry also told me his career was going to be as a Turtle Saver. Apparently, he will make a profession out of traveling the world and saving turtles. Cole declared he will be a Fish Saver. I guess I could think of worse professions.

I probably shouldn't have but we Googled turtles. Henry picked out a Southern Painted Turtle (pictured above). He didn't even back off when I told him they bite.

I would just get him one, but we failed so badly with Cole's goldfish I am doubtful we can handle a turtle. That has to be harder. Although Bella is still alive. I don't know, seems like a bad idea (and sounds like I'm probably going to buy a stupid turtle). Damn it.That also means we'll probably have to get Cole one or let him try another fish.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like John and Henry need to get together to discuss turtles though Henry's sounds like a more intense obsession than Johns. ;) If you do get one that would be great, we will be over to visit since we will not be getting a turtle!
