Friday, July 5, 2013

America, F&$K Yeah!

We didn't see any fireworks, but we still had a pretty fun-filled 4th of July. Although, we did hear plenty. Henry woke up once saying, "No boom." We started the 4th with the Brookfield parade. I scored a good amount of candy, but really had to push Cole to get after it. He was pretty hesitant, but luckily there was not a lot of competition in our immediate area. We then went to the Stear's house for a BBQ. There were lots of dips so I was happy. The boys, as always, enjoyed playing outside and I discovered how nice it is to have Uncle Ben back in town to take on some of the "parenting" duties. We later walked to Whole Foods for dinner. The boys got popsicles on the way there and I think Henry set a record for how messy one can get from eating a single pop.

Cole's so-called ready position. We will be working on this before next year.

Henry was not very active at the parade. I think he immediately over heated, so he was basically always just on someone's lap.

No, I'm not super amazed by walking on stilts. Look close...the one on the left has quite the hairy armpit. Hey, it's not like she is going to be in a parade or anything. Oh wait...

Catching some shade with Grammie's BFF Janet

Cole actually slid off this roof by himself. Not a great landing, but no tears.

Cole gave Henry a sudden surprise with a shot of water. Luckily Hen just laughed and the one-sided water fight ensued.

Actually a pretty close race between Cole and Kristin. She's never been the fastest.

Bampa and the old kink in the hose trick.

Cole getting a taste of his own medicine.

Clean... (Cole refused to change after nap so he went out on the town in his jams)


"I messy!"

In the words of Chris Farley, "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers hug."

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to the day when John gets candy at parades. :)
