Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Target Oopsy Poopsy

I got a great text from Kristin today (see below). For once, I am actually happy to be at work. Too bad for Kristin, her and her poop hair will be sleeping on the couch tonight.

"New outfit for Hen at Target...he shit himself up to his neck. I used an entire container of wipes to clean him up. Threw away everything he was wearing, socks included. I have shit on my jacket and I think in my hair."

Hen looks like he knows he did something.


  1. He got some cute colored jean out of it!

  2. OH NO, that's not good! I hope the family restroom was open? And that you got Starbucks after to reward yourself for having to deal with it. You are really good bloggers lately, well, and always, but lately for sure!

  3. This is so AWFUL! So, did you buy new clothes and then go into the bathroom and change him? What happened after? Did you go shopping some more? I would have just died. You for sure deserve Starbucks for like the next year everytime you go to Target.

  4. After I got him cleaned up I took him shopping for a new outfit in his diaper. Suprisingly we didn't get any weird looks but I was on the phone with my Mom the whole time recounting the terrible tale so I wasn't paying attention. I got him dressed in the check out lane and then we went back into the bathroom so I could wash my hands, scrub some poop off my jacket and then I took the pic. I did not get myself Starbucks because we were late to pick up Cole from school - but I will def be rewarding myself next time!
