Saturday, June 11, 2011

Henry Benjamin Has Arrived!

It took about 16 hours of labor, but he is finally here. Henry Benjamin Fuchs (a.k.a. Hank the Tank) arrived at 7:53 p.m. and weighed in at 9lbs 3oz. In comparison, Kristin was in labor with Cole for 23 hours and Cole weighed 8lbs 3oz. I have already noticed Cole and Henry have several differences, which is great because who wants to go through all this for something you already have. Both were hard, long labors but Cole was fine up to the pushing moment where Kristin spent three hours getting him out in the world. Henry apparently caused pain the entire day, but Kristin only had to push for about 25 minutes. Other differences I noticed include Henry's blond hair (and not a lot of it) and his nipples are already visible. I don't know what is normal, but Cole's nipples didn't come in until he was much older. Kristin wanted to add the one pound difference in weight, but don't worry, I explained to her that that is not an opposite and she needs to watch some more Blue's Clues (Cole's favorite show, FYI).

Kristin did great even though the epidural was not easy to get in nor did it work fully. They ended up giving her 5 times the amount of medicine and gave her additional meds before pushing. She toughed it out, although she did tell me, "If you want a girl we will be adopting. This is it." This comment was followed up with the demand to "keep rubbing Fuchs!" I'm just surprised she didn't get more angry when I asked if it would help if we turned on the Brewer game.

Well, without further ado, here are the pics of Henry Benjamin's arrival.

Water just broke


Phew! All cleaned up.

9lbs 3oz

Introduction - Mom and Henry

Introduction - Dad and Henry

Cole was not that interested in his new baby brother

Tired after wiener surgery


  1. CONGRATS Kristin and Nick! I love the name! Kristin - you are pretty amazing to have that big baby, not that you had a choice, but geesh he's a big boy! Thanks for posting the pictures too :)

  2. Hooray! Congratulations and welcome to the world, Henry! I can't wait to meet him.

  3. Congratulations on your new addition! We are excited to read stories on the boys. Hope you are doing well Kristin!

  4. I'm so happy that I already get to see pictures! He's super cute, congrats to your family!
