Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello Twenty-Eleven

As I’m sure you all are, we are sad to see the holiday season go. Here are some of our highlights. Well, I should say Cole’s highlights because who really cares about Kristin and I. Don’t worry, we know, we get the message loud and clear.

We were very fortunate that this Christmas Santa came to town. He was quite a bit smaller than I expected, but I guess that’s easier on our chimney.

If Santa puts his head down when he crawls, he goes much faster.

Cole didn’t seem to mind the Santa suit and even though he is a notoriously bad napper, he did a good job throughout the long days/celebrations. It probably helped that he received about a zillion toys, which is odd because I didn’t think he was all that good this year. Santa must be getting soft.

Christmas night/day after Christmas, Kristin and I were hit with a case of the flu. Thanks Hanlon Family (just kidding)!  It was horrible. I woke up at night and found myself debating which way to turn at the toilet. Kristin spent much of the night and next day hunched over the bedroom garbage.  Even Cole was puking! Parenting a sick baby, while also sick, turned out to be too much for us. Luckily Grandma Debbie came over to take care of Cole so Kristin and I could be miserable without worrying about him. Thankfully we all made pretty speedy recoveries.

New Years was pretty low-key. Grandma Debbie babysat while Kristin and I went to a movie. We managed to get Cole in a New Years outfit and take some pictures, although as you can see, he was less than thrilled. He was MUCH easier to photograph last year.

And for full disclosure, I admit it – I ditched Kristin after the movie and went out to the bars. In my defense, maybe she should stop being pregnant all the time.

Here's to an awesome Twenty-Eleven. Hope everyone enjoys it!

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