Monday, January 10, 2011


When Nick and I first starting discussing the idea of "new year resolutions" neither of us felt like committing to much. But now, a few weeks in we have some clear ideas of how our lives need to change in 2011. Hopefully by publishing them we will be more likely to stick to them!

1. Stop swearing
This is #1 on our list and seriously needs to happen ASAP. Cole is becoming quite the chatterbox lately and we see him trying his best to mimic what we say. If we don't reel this in, it is only a matter of time until he starts parroting "fuck," "shit," and "fucking shit." We have also been discussing the appropriateness of other words that are not necessarily is it still okay to say "fart" or do we need to transition to using the more family-friendly "toot?" We are thinking of starting a "swear jar" and depositing a quarter every time we drop an F-bomb or something similar. Seemed like a good idea until the 2 most recent Packer games, we might need to reduce the fee to a nickel or else the "swear jar" will need to start accepting credit cards.

2. Brush Cole's teeth daily
As we have mentioned here before, we slack on this. We are starting to notice that Cole has some stinky baby breath. Gross and totally not his fault.

3. Plan our weekly meals and LIMIT eating out
Neither Nick or I are good cooks, in fact, it is 100% fair to say we are both bad cooks and don't really enjoy the act of preparing a meal. So we typically eat out pretty frequently. Bad for us and bad for our bank account. We do have a few meals we can make that are we have our fingers crossed that we can expand on that and eat at home 5 days/week.

4. Baby Discipline 
Read parenting books so when THIS happens (which it does daily) we are better prepared.

We will keep you posted, there is a large possibility that the swear jar will overflow and we can treat all of our 6 readers to a free dinner. Stay tuned!


  1. that is an amazing picture, that i would blow up and hang! i LOVE it and can only imagine how you were feeling at the time :)

  2. Nick and I also have to work on not swearing. Luckily for now, Ellie only says 3 words. We are SO guilty of this!! I love his little shoes in that picture too!

  3. I would love it if the swear jar could take me out for dinner! With my current appetite, though, I think I'd drain the swear jar, Packer game or no.

    Matilda went through a phase of saying "Daddy hit!" which turned out to mean, "Daddy said shit!" Suffice to say we're still working on that one.
