Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Blood

I admit that at times I may be a little inattentive while watching Cole and he has inadvertently taken a spill or two (e.g. once bumping his head on the tub - no blood though). I actually figured I would be responsible for Cole getting hurt before I would have an injury, but no such luck. Cole drew first blood this weekend.

Cole and I were sitting in a chair together and he was playing with Grandma Debbie's cell phone. I must not have been paying enough attention to him. Suddenly, Cole, who apparently got tired of the cell phone, shouted “No!” and launched the cell phone at my forehead at close range. The impact was surprisingly loud. Kristin found this hilarious and got a case of the giggles, I was finally able to get her to stop laughing when I pointed out I was bleeding. Kristin is lucky I didn't launch my Blackberry at her forehead. I was not pleased and owe a lot of money to the swear jar. After my recovery, I realized I should just be happy because it seems that Cole has quite the arm and it's looking like he did NOT receive his athletic genes from Kristin. Thank God! This was a BIG worry of mine...I did not want Cole to follow in her footsteps and be recommended for special ed Gym class.

In other news, we are now taking our resolution to read up on baby discipline a little more seriously.