Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hangovers...not missed!

Kristin and I had a fun time at the Vampire Weekend concert Tuesday. We have mentioned this concert to many and no one seems to know who they are but assumes they are super goth. To clear up any worries...they are super dorks from Columbia University who sing about oxford commas, vacations in Cape Cod and a diplomat's son. Like I said, no reason to worry. Click here to read more.

Kristin and I enjoyed dinner out at a new restaurant, The Red Accordion, and had way too many beers; both pre, during and post concert. I can actually still feel how much fun we had two days later. I was smart and took off work Wednesday, while Kristin actually went into work (an hour and a half late). I have to imagine that was one of the worst days ever.

The concert was fun though and we are glad we went. Vampire Weekend only has two albums, so they pretty much played all the songs we wanted. Following the concert we met some random people and went to John Hawks Pub for a couple drinks. There we had a run-in with an obnoxious fat man who claimed he owned John Hawks Pub and was going to “walk me out.” He was wearing khaki shorts, black socks, sandals and a sport coat. Owner? I don't think so.

It was nice to get out, but in the end we missed Cole and have since decided that 2 AM feedings are much much better than falling into bed at 2 AM and feeling like death the next day. I guess we are officially parents and all grown up.


  1. Hmm, I was going to comment on Cole's great taste in music, but clearly I'm a super dork, too!

  2. So are we! We love them and have been listening to their new album on repeat since we purchased it in mid-January.
