Friday, March 12, 2010

About Time!

Finally! Cole slept through the night on MY night. Last Thursday, Kristin's night to get up with him, he slept through the night. On Friday, my night, he woke up for a feeding around 2:30 a.m. On Saturday, Kristin's turn again, he slept through the night. He has also slept through the night at Grandma DJ's house, but never for Dad...until now! He slept from about 9:30 p.m. to 6:15 a.m. I had to wake him up to get him fed and dressed before we left for the day. Hopefully there is more of this to come and it wasn't just a fluke. Now if he could only start feeding himself, stop crapping his pants, and get a job we will be all set.


  1. i want to let everyone know that the reason cole looks so shiny is because i put aquaphor on his dry cheeks before bed. not because we don't bathe him.

  2. Hooray! Isn't sleep wonderful? Cole is about to outpace Matilda on sleeping through the night!
