Saturday, March 30, 2019

Ready for the weather

I'm sure we are all enjoying the teaser nice weather days. We've been trying to take advantage and get the babies outside for a chance to "blow the stink off" as I've heard someone say, not sure which grandma. Or maybe it came from a great grandma. I don't know.

Anyway, we even misjudged some days and I found myself running the stroller home with the babies because it was so cold and they started to freeze. That's a big deal when your in the shape I'm in. I have more bouncing around these days then I care to admit.

So, here are some of our outdoor pics. I think the babies have to be so happy to be out of their cage and free to roam.

Also, I should apologize to the boys. Someone found these coats for super cheap. However, the color leads many people to think they are girls. A guy at Sam's Club just couldn't believe they were two boys.






I love this pic of Lou. He looks like a legit pro, minus the jacket and striped pants. You are looking at the future of the Green Bay Packers. Enjoy. 



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