Thursday, April 18, 2019

Twin update

So Kristin just took the big boys to visit Uncle B and family in Philadelphia and I stayed home. Instead of dwelling on how much I missed the boys (and Kristin...kinda) or tell you how awesome I did taking care of the twins and that they are still alive and well, this post will be an update on the twins. They are about a year and a half now, so seems like good timing.

The boys are definitely developing little personalities. Lou, you often have a mischievous smile and I'm already worried about your devilish side. Maybe Lou is short for Lucifer. Just kidding. You also like to give big open mouthed kisses. Although you are also a hitter...but a good snuggler too.

Gus, you are a goofball. You like to do this funny hunched over walk. You are, however, the most difficult baby to change (your diaper) and get dressed. But otherwise you are super chill and sweet.

You guys fight a lot, but sometimes Gus is the aggressor and sometimes Lou, so we'll see how that plays out. You two should be an even match.

You are both very into copying things. As a result you have some funny dance moves and you love doing push-ups.

You already know you are Blue Lou and Green (or Grey) Gus. If we give you something of the wrong color you throw it back in anger or trade with your brother for the right color cup.

You just got super wild at Great Grandma and Grandpa's house and were running around screaming and spinning in circles.

Little Baby Bum is your favorite show. No one can even say the name of the show because you both go crazy and start dancing and demand to watch it.

You're not talking a ton yet. You are starting to say words, but you still do your "uh-uh-uh" high pitched noise, which EVERYONE thinks is super annoying. Get some more words already.

I'm happy to say you two are just about the happiest little babies around. You don't cry a lot. You sleep great. And you guys laugh all the time and have awesome little baby chuckles that can go on for a real long time. Eating in your high chairs often turns into quite the laugh session. About what, I don't know.

So at one and a half years of age we still love you guys. Your developing well and are pretty awesome; although, no doubt you are still a real pain in the butt.

FYI - you guys don't technically share a toothbrush as we have two, but they are not labeled so I guess you do. Sorry about that. Kinda gross. Also you both really need haircuts.

Not sure. Gus? 





Gus left, Lou right

Gus left, Lou right



Gus = Grey

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