Thursday, August 15, 2013

Time to Pretend

Cole and Henry start most days with breakfast in front of the television. I know, real good parenting. They were previously really into Chugginton (for those that don't know it is a show about talking trains). There new favorite show is Octonauts; basically a show about weird looking cats and bunnies exploring the ocean. I am happy they chose Octonauts since Kristin also tried to get them into My Little Pony (no bronies here!).

Anyway, Cole and Henry have been playing pretend games more and more. I have had to "play" games of Chuggington, which from what I can tell is pretending all the trains keep getting stuck in mud or soot and we have to pull them out, wash them (in the Chug Wash) and push a button to go down to the bottom to save them (this game has been dubbed "Brokedown Chugger"). I often have no idea what Cole and Henry are doing or talking about until I catch some reference to Octonauts or some other show (luckily I also watch these shows now).

The pretend stuff is fine, except I am finding at my age I really hate pretending and these pretend games go on and on. You just keep doing the same thing over and over again. It is also much more weird and awkward then I remember. At least when Cole was talking about trains stuck in "soot" it sounded like "shit." Cole would tell me we have to "go clean the shit up." That was at least somewhat funny. I am just looking forward to the boys starting their athletics and playing some real games.

After some weekend chores were finished, I pretended Henry was helpful and awarded him with his first Home Depot dog. 

Pretending/Kinda swimming in the tub. I hope I never got that personal with my brother. No offense Jer.

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