Monday, August 26, 2013

Bad Hornet

On Wednesday Henry took one right in the eyelid from a hornet. He was playing on top of the Stear's patio wall when I saw the big MoFo land right on his eye. It got him before I could get there and shoo it away. Luckily he didn't fall off the wall when it stung him, or get a stinger in the eyeball. It looked terrible at first but after some Tylenol and a little ice the swelling went down pretty quick. And to look on the bright side, he didn't go into Anaphylatic shock so we know he isn't allergic. In addition to being hurt I think his feelings were hurt too. He still has a little red mark where it stung him and he will tell anyone who will listen, "a hornet bite me."

"Cut me, Mick" (Rocky reference - I'm sure our kids will not pick up on that when they read this in the future)

Swelling already getting a little better. By Thursday afternoon his eye looked normal.

Cole was very nice and was giving Henry hugs and gave him his tomato.

The video below further convinces me that Kristin will never survive Henry and his risk taking behavior.

1 comment:

  1. OH NO!! Poor Henry, glad to hear that he handled it well, I'm sure I would have been in tears!
