Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Henry's Two and Other Weekend Activities

Henry is officially two. We had some family and friends over on Saturday to celebrate. Although, before anyone even arrived, Henry committed a party foul and barfed on the patio. I, of course, couldn't resist including a picture of said barf (see below). Kristin and I are disputing the reason for the vomit. I believe it was due to something gone wrong while sucking on ice with Cole. Kristin leans towards believing he choked on popcorn, primarily because I was supposed to buy hull-less popcorn but forgot. Below are plenty of pictures that should tell the story of Henry's second birthday party.

The slide from Grammie and Bampa (the Stear's) was a big hit.

The kite Henry got from Aunt Jess and boyfriend Dan never really took flight, but it was fun watching Grandpa try.

Classic Cole dive for no reason in the background.

On Sunday we walked to brunch and then to the park. It was crowded and I hated it, so we didn't stay long. I wanted to yell at some dope of a Dad who was letting his crazy kid run all over the place. We also went to the Schilz's for a BBQ and to finish off all the leftover side dishes from the birthday party. As you can see in the pictures, Cole and Henry fit right in when hanging out in the "Dirty Dirty" (i.e. West Allis). 

Cole would take about 10 minutes to cross this bridge ever so carefully. I think we have to take away the "Stunt Master"
t-shirt that he is wearing.
Basically a West Allis uniform.

On Monday, Henry's actual birthday, we woke him up with balloons in his crib. We did this with Cole and he thought it was fun, so decided to give Henry a turn. He didn't seem to care at first, but then started to have some fun, which is good because the balloons were not easy to come by or cheap. Long story short, I went to six different places late night on Sunday before having to pay $7 for 7 balloons. Yes, pricey, but I was desperate and on a mission at that point.  

After dinner on Monday we sang and ate cupcakes and had more presents to wrap up Henry's birthday. They are wearing jammies because they often don't change back into clothes after their nap...we did not give them cupcakes for breakfast.

Happy Birthday to our sweet wild man Henny!

June 10, 2011

June 10, 2013


  1. Henry is adorable - happy second birthday!!!

  2. I have so many comments. First, you change the kids into pj's for their nap? This would NOT happen in my house, I'm just beyond impressed. They are surely much more comfy than my kids. Second, I was so excited for this post for 2 reasons. Couldn't wait to see Henry's bday party and have a new non puke post to open up to. But then I read, and scrolled, and was mistaken. I even got stuck scrolling on the throw up picture!!! I hope that you have a really fun blogable weekend that is puke free so Monday when I get to work my wish comes true!!!
