Thursday, June 28, 2012

Secret Drawer

I have started to use my top dresser drawer as a secret drawer from the kids. My plan is to start filling up the drawer with stuff that the kids shouldn't have anymore or things that are just plain old annoying. I started with Cole's nuks. Slowly, but surely, I will get all of them in the drawer and he will be forced to deal without them. Everytime I see a nuk unguarded I grab it and throw it in the drawer. So far I have only snagged a few. Kristin has tried and Cole has caught her twice. He knows how many nuks he has (10!), today he realized some were missing, after looking around his room he told Kristin, "Daddy took my nuks to work."

3 down. About 7 to go.

Next on my list are Cole's extra toothbrushes. He had a dentist appointment and got about five toothbrushes as bribes for good behavior. We have always let him choose which color toothbrush he would like to use. He now likes to pick them all up individually to look them over and say whether he wants that one or not. He always picks the green or red, never the penguin brush or the green brush or any of the others, yet he still has to take out every single one and put it back in the holder. The whole process takes about 5 minutes. By the time bedtime comes around, any delays are a big deal, so we are saying goodbye to those extra toothbrushes. Probably a good idea since he has another dentist appointment coming up in a few weeks, likely we will head home with some new options...I will have to take those to work too I guess.

5 toothbrushes
Ha Ha. In the drawer.
Red or Green! So much easier.

Hopefully this new stealing/hiding plan we have going isn't considered too cruel and won't have any lasting effects. Well actually, the reason we are getting rid of nuks is because of the negative lasting effects they have on Cole's teeth so...

Plenty of room left.

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