Monday, June 25, 2012

Hungry Hungry Henry

These days Henry just can't get full. I don't know where it all goes, but he can just sit and eat for hours. We just can't seem to fill him up. A typical meal may consist of: 1) a Cheerio appetizer; 2) two scrambled eggs; 3) one container of baby food; 4) one baby yogurt; 5) one cup of milk. He also snacks on cheese, black beans, wheat noodles and fruit. The boy is bottomless. And in the case of most meals he either starts off or ends with an 8-10 oz bottle.

Now that Henry is one we are supposed to begin weaning him off bottles. With Cole this was not difficult so we just expected it would go off without a hitch this time around as well.  We were wrong. The plan was to cut him back to 6 ounces, as opposed to 8 oz, and then would reduce from there. This has not worked at all and in fact, it has made things worse. Henry ends up waking up in the middle of the night starving, so we have to give him another 4 ounces (at least).So in trying to cut back on bottles, we now give him 10 ounces/bottle. Oops. Something is not working. Maybe Henry will just be a formula lifer. Do they make big gulp bottles?


  1. omg! I thought Jack ate a lot!! SO, is this 3 times a day or ??

  2. I can't wait for Etta and Henry to compare cheeks - they're both giants!

  3. We are looking forward to your visit and for "Henry Etta" to become BFFs!
