Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday we hit up an Easter egg hunt in Brookfield. Cole enjoyed himself and, as you can see, got a full bucket of eggs, which he exchanged for a treat bag with a bunch of candy he would likely choke on. Sucks for him. But I am enjoying his candy as I write this. Cole did have a blast eventhough we only stayed for 18 minutes, it was frigid! Luckily Cole had the brilliant idea to put his jacket on before we left the house. If it wasn't for his brainstorm he would have been out there in his tee shirt. Thankfully we had an extra hat and mittens in the stroller. Also lucky was that we happened to have the red sand pail in the car. Not sure what we thought Cole was going to put his eggs in...I guess if we didn't have the pail he would have had to gather eggs in his hat.

The Easter Bunny did make an appearance, but due to the cold weather we decided not to wait in line. They trotted out an Easter Bunny the size of a grade schooler which was kind of funny.

After the Easter egg hunt we decided to meet Grammie Debbie and get some breakfast. Henry, as usual, thoroughly enjoyed himself. He has fun no matter what the situation and is always laughing and ready with a smile. A very far cry from Cole, who was always sporting his "neutral face" at this age.

Cole and Henry spent Saturday night with Grandma and Grandpa Stear, so Krisitn and I could go out for a change. Sounds like everyone had fun, although we were all pretty miserable the next day. Cole and Henry stayed up late watching basketball with Grandpa and were crabby. Kristin and I stayed out late as well, so we were crabby too.

Don't tell Grandpa, but Cole loves throwing his rocks around. I think there are some bare spots now. Henry liked to watch Cole mess up Grandpa's landscaping from inside the house.


1 comment:

  1. I love all of your pictures, and the luck you had with warm clothes and sand bucket, love when that stuff happens to us!!
