Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Park-Early Easter

We took advantage of the awesome weather this weekend and spent a lot of it in the stroller and at the park. Turns out Cole is a big fan of the slides.  At first he was scared of the tunnel slide but very quickly decided it was fine and not scary. We were very surprised at how sociable he was with the other kids. He said hi to everyone and even hugged a kid's leg; obviously pretty awkward for everyone around...but mostly for the poor kid who had to stand still while Cole held on for dear life. Cole had so much fun he threw a giant fit when it was time to go home and thrashed and screamed the whole walk home. Luckily it was St. Patty's day and all the drunk kids we passed didn't even seem to notice his meltdown. I, on the other hand, hate the park. It's kind of dirty with stupid parents and their stupid kids. I think once Cole and Henry are older and bigger and can fend for themselves it will be okay, but for now it really seemed like one of the crazy neighborhood kids wielding sticks were going to knock Cole over or poke him in the eye or something. Their stupid parents don't pay attention and stand in the way of everything. Don't even talk to Kristin about the merry-go-round...she is very afraid of that park staple. I think that will be banned even when Cole and Henry have kids of their own.

Henry also enjoyed the park. He loves the swings. He was all smiles and big belly laughs.

Watching Cole gear up for a giant fit

Thankfully on our second trip to the park Cole's departure was much improved. Our thanks to a fancy box of animal crackers from Grandma DJ.

We also went to my parents house on Sunday for an early Easter with all the cousins. My parents are ditching everyone and going to Florida over the real Easter, so we went over to Grandma's and Grandpa's for an early celebration. FYI - Grandma and Grandpa ditch out to Florida for pretty much all holidays and birthdays, not that I hold any grudges. Cole had a blast running around with his cousins and getting over-heated. He ate so much orange Jello he vomited (on Uncle Paul's shoe) and the highlight was playing with the ice in the cooler. What a goof.

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