Friday, July 8, 2011

Honorable Mentions

It has been pretty tiring lately with two little ones at home. So tiring, in fact, I don’t feel like blogging much, but I do feel obligated to keep all those interested up-to-date (as I’m sure it matters to you). Below are some current events, status updates and fun tidbits.

  1. I think I forgot to mention this one – A few weeks ago Cole and I were playing outside. He came running at me all excited with his hand extended. Despite our best efforts to keep our backyard clean he had found a Bella turd and had brought it to me for show and tell. Gross.
  2. Hank had a vomit that rivals Cole’s poltergeist puke. As Kristin was feeding him, he launched milk a little over six feet from the bed to the window. It was impressive and far enough that we pulled out the tape measure to document.
  3. Fuck I’m tired. And Kristin sleeps even less than I do. The past two nights I went to bed about midnight (I know way too late), got up at about 2:30 a.m. to feed Henry, which takes about 45 minutes, then got back up at 5:00 a.m. for another feeding. Then Cole got up at about 6:30 a.m. Wow, kids are fun.
  4. We have been calling Henry “Hank the Tank.” It seems fitting as he is a fairly big baby and never stops eating. As Kristin put it, “the Tank is never full.” (Except for the incident described in #2).
  5. Cole still seems to like Henry, every morning he runs into our room screaming, "da Baby!" and races over to his cradle to point to him, hug him and try to shove random pacifiers in his mouth.  We have been encouraging him to call Henry by Cole calls him "Hury."
  6. Cole has completely quit walking and only runs everywhere. He is driving Kristin nuts with his wild ways and every day they "almost had to go to the ER again." 
  7. Cole and I were having so much fun playing last night that he vomited.
  8. Kristin and I got a night off and went to Summerfest to see Edward Sharpe. The concert was only okay, but I got carded so I'm happy to say I'm young at heart AND in the face. Kristin received one of the stranger comments I've ever heard from a beer vendor. He said she looked like she could star in her own crime drama on the USA network, " CSI." Weird and random.
To keep with this randomness, below are some miscellaneous pics.

Kristin after projectile bombing by Henry


Henry and Uncle Ben

Cole, Bea and Etta

Favorite pastime; reading and hoarding pacifiers

Relaxing with the boys

Cole helping dress Henry

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