Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dad Dodges Urine, Baby Gets Eyeful

I know I have mentioned it before, but it has happened enough now that I feel I have to dedicate an entire blog post to it. Numerous times I have taken off Cole’s diaper while he was in mid-pee. There are, of course, no warning signs. He doesn’t give you a look or waive you off with his hand. Nothing. Well, the jokes on him. He still hasn’t figured out how quick I am (and mainly that I am terrified of getting hit with pee). I now usually remember to do a quick diaper "lift and peak" before fully removing the diaper to make sure nothing is going on, but sometimes I forget. Typically in that situation, Cole lets loose, I duck to the floor and he winds up getting himself right in the face...and almost always right in the eye. Pee sprays everywhere and Kristin gets mad that I didn't contain the mess, like I'm CRAZY for getting out of the way. I'm not sure how Moms do it. From day 1 Kristin was blocking pee and puke bare handed, inserting (and re-inserting) suppositories, and dealing with anything else gross without the proper equipment (i.e. gloves, mask, etc.).

I do prefer the above scenario compared to the Number Two option. With poop, there is not as much humor and you have to just stand there and wait for him to finish. This can be quite awkward.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristin!
    I got your comment on my blog. I was asking Michelle the other week how you were doing and she said that you had a blog and I should check it out. OMG! You guys are so funny! I've added your blog to my listings that I read everyday. Cole is so cute! He looks so much like you. I'd love to meet him.

