Monday, March 30, 2020


Outings have never been so missed since the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantining. A couple times we resorted to just aimlessly driving around town to get out of the house for a bit. One ended abruptly as Gus barfed in the car. Luckily I have cat like reflexes and managed to pop the lid of a coffee cup quick and had him puke in that. 

We also made it down to the lakefront, which was nice. A good place to let the boys run around (see last set of pics below). 

I just never realized how important our little outings were and how bored and insane we get just being stuck in the house all the time.
I found some of our recent outings that I thought little of until this situation. I really wish the boys and I could just run to a store or something. Those were the days.

Menards. Possibly the boys first elevator ride. 

Nature Center field trip

Hooligans. I've had to go to UWM a couple times for work and the boys love going because we can get Ian's or Hooligans for dinner and then an Insomnia cookie.

Henry and Cole went into Barnes and Noble by themselves at the mall and Henry bought Gus and Lou a book with his money. Such a sweet boy. He also used it to practice talking after he got his retainers in. 

Ikea. New rug.

Made a trip down to the lakefront to get out of the house for a bit.

I think it was right around this spot where Lou did a face plant right in some mud or goose shit. On his face, in his mouth, on his was disgusting. I'm obviously hoping it was actually mud, but I have my doubts. 

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