Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 Status Report

The misery continues. Well, mostly for Kristin. I have been going to work still on a regular basis and Kristin refuses to believe there is any way that I can be considered an essential employee, but they're having me come in. I would probably lie and go in anyway just to avoid life at home for a month. Kristin has way too many plans to reorganize everything. Oh yeah, and the kids get bored and suck.

The boys had a week of virtual learning and now we are on Spring Break. Not the most fun Spring Break, but we had two days of okay weather.

I, like I'm sure most, is pretty sick of the Coronavirus, so it pains me to write about what all of us are going through, but for posterity sake I feel like I must. It's a crazy time.

I guess time will tell if this was the right reaction or an overreaction, but either way this social distancing and quarantine business is rough.

We chose not to hop right on the hoarding bandwagon, but then realized people were buying everything up and just our regular shop would be problematic. Then for some reason we were shopping a ton. By the end of the first week of the self quarantine we had our deep freezer filled, our garage refrigerator full, as well as our regular fridge.

I lucked out at Walmart and caught them stocking toilet paper while I was there. I had to wait in line to get it, but I got some. And then I noticed a pallet of toilet paper that had bigger quantities, so I waited in line a second time to upgrade my 12 pack to a 24 pack.

Otherwise, it's just weird seeing stores with empty shelves. Toilet paper went first, but soap, hand sanitizer, medicine, and cleaning supplies with bleach are super tough to fine. Also, I found that Target was almost out M&Ms.

We've rescheduled our April Florida trip so that is good, but my conference to Houston got canceled. Next year I guess. It's hard to complain when much worse things have happened as a result of this virus (but I don't want to get too serious here).

I think we have until April 30th for the Safer at Home order to be lifted. Hopefully this is all over by then.

We made it to the Lumineers concert just before everything on earth got canceled. 

Our first cart of supplies. Pizza, water, cheese and crackers, beer, white claws, scotch, and Capri suns for the kids. I think we did well. 

A line to get into Sam's Club. For all I know that's not abnormal. People love bulk. 

No fish at Sam's

Paper products all gone.

So few left, yet somehow I still got a bag of caramel M&Ms.

All I could find were these tiny hand sanitizers. It said I could only buy one, but I went with the self checkout so I could get two. Rebel!

First and hopefully last time I ever wait in line for toilet paper.

And my second tp line

Work gave me an emergency flip phone and I had to borrow Debbie's car because mine broke. It felt like I went back in time with a flip phone and actual car key. 

I watched Outbreak. Let's hope this doesn't go airborne!

Might as well make a big cookie while we're stuck in the house

Our well lateral broke and had to be repaired, so we had some digging going on in the yard. Not a cheap repair, but at least it gave the boys something to do for a while. 

Kristin still managed to make some green waffles on St. Patrick's Day. 

Lots of walking goes on during a pandemic. 

More walking

Due to boredom, I organized our junk drawer. I found 13 scissors in there. WTF

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