Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I think Fall is becoming a favorite season for the boys. We now have a tree big enough to make a pretty decent size leaf pile. The raking part not so great, but the boys loved the pile and it was fun to toss them in. They would completely sink and I would have to rescue them by an ankle and pull them out.

Then there is Halloween in the Fall for the kids to enjoy. And what kid doesn't like to get candy. This year Cole decided to go as a cheeseburger and Henry dressed up as a sticker book. They definitely love these items, so I'm not too surprised that's what they went with. Kristin made the cheeseburger costume (and did a good job). I helped hot glue the stickers on Henry's outfit (girl jeans by the way). At first I used a hot glue gone that was my Dad's or maybe even Grandpa's. The thing sucked, got super hot everywhere and I ended up burning myself several times. Finally I decided to trash the thing and just hand Kristin stickers.

At first Henry didn't want to wear his sticker outfit. He was being quite the pain. I was pretty happy to get to Kroner's for a beer.

We went trick or treating in our new neighborhood with the Kroner's, Schilz's and  Hansen's. It was not possible to get all the kids lined up and looking forward for picture. We tried.

Then there is my Fall birthday for the kids to enjoy. I'm sure that bumps Fall up to their favorite season. Ugh, 35 seems old. I hate aging. Luckily enough, I look damn good doin' it.

For my birthday the kids got me some fudge and bacon popcorn and bacon peanuts. I also got a bacon McGriddle from Grammie and I bought Krispy Kremes for work, so breakfast was a bit much. Then I treated myself to my first Chick-Fil-A for lunch. We also went out to dinner at the Red Dot to celebrate. The Poutine was delicious, the service was horrible and Henry took his first public dump. BUT, it looks like he has finally gotten tired of pooping his undies. Praise the Lord!

Not sure what is older - me or that sweet wallpaper
Henry loves the birthday banner they made. He keeps talking about it and gazes at it commenting on it's beauty

On an unrelated note:  Cole has always been a bit of a sandwich maker (when we let him). Grammie let him make a breakfast sandwich. Left up to me, I would probably make something resembling a sausage egg McMuffin. Cole went a different route. He went with pickles with pepperoni on top and some peanut butter on the bread to "glue" it all together. Yum. Kristin's dinners suddenly look much more appetizing.

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