Saturday, October 12, 2013


We are back from our family vacation to Florida. It was a lot of fun. We had a boat day,went to some bars and restaurants, visited the Seashell Factory and Nature Park, the Imaginarium, and spent a day at the Cape Coral Beach. We also saw some Florida Aunts and Uncles and there was, of course, a ton of swimming. My two favorite moments:  1) Kristin and I went to dinner and a movie, which was a nice break from the kids and 2) I got to go to a bar to watch the Packer game ALL BY MYSELF. I drank some (i.e. lots of) beers and sucked down a pound of wings. It was awesome.

As I know everyone loves to look at other people's family vacation photos, below are plenty to enjoy (obviously read with sarcasm).

Off we go...

Cole did pretty well handling a suitcase. It was actually very helpful. We had a lot of bags.

Fun at the house...

When we got sick of swimming in the big pool with them we put up the pool fence and they splashed in this on the patio

Sometimes he just sits on the potty. Has yet to actually use it.

Henry used the pool though. Feel free to play find the turd.

Henry fell off the bed once. I found him lying on the floor. He was all over the place.

Cole kindly organized the shoes. I guess it wasn't always "lots" of fun.

Henry has a treasure addiction. It started with seashells and went to plain old rocks, woodchips and garbage in general.  I guess I did hear seashells were a gateway treasure, so now we have a full blown hoarder.

Cole has some sleeping issues as well. 

I'm on a boat...

Hot and tired Henry found the best spot to rest

Park visits...


Seashell Factory and Nature Park...

Not so sure about the Pythons

Hen walked around for awhile with a hot dog. What a tub. It also took this place about 20 minutes to serve us 4 cold hot dogs. As my dad once told me (when I met him late and hungover someplace), "I'm not impressed."


We were all pretty amazed Cole touched the snake. 

Home Sweet Home...

Praise the lord for Cole's computer. It can really occupy some time. I think we will be buying one for Henry soon.

It was nice to get away and spend a full week together as a family, but getting home is pretty awesome too.

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