Thursday, May 23, 2013


As we all know, Kristin attempted potty training with Cole and failed. It was not very surprising and is just another failure on her laundry list of failures. I'm sure you are wondering what was different this time and how was she able to do it after failing so miserably previously. Well, she didn't. I, of course, had to take over this weekend and get Cole to become a big boy and use the potty. I am proud to say it was a success. And if there was any debate about our parenting skills, I believe it is settled and I am clearly the better parent.

Actually I did get some help. Kristin was gone most of the weekend, but she was home in the mornings and late afternoons/evenings. I also had my mom and Aunt Jess come over on Saturday and my parents and Grandma Dorothy came over on Sunday.

At first I attempted to potty train both Cole and Henry at the same time. This was a little ambitious. It became way too much work and too much pee to cleanup. One of them would have an accident and it was too difficult to cleanup the mess, while keeping two kids and a dog from hopping around in it. Henry also started to really fight the undies, so he was back in diapers before lunch.

Poor Bella has an anal gland infection, which looked even worse than it sounds.

Pushing the fluids

I thought Cole's standard outfit over the weekend of just a shirt and undies was very odd, but he certainly took it up a notch by throwing on his boots.

Cole pushed Henry on the concrete and he scraped his knuckles pretty good.

We bought Cole a scooter for his potty training success.

Kristin thought it would be good practice for wearing a helmet. Not only did he skip the helmet, he also skipped pants.

This was Cole's trick. 

It took him a good 3 minutes to complete. 

After a successful landing he declared "big boys are brave!"

Happy Henry - 3 snack cups!

Now that's how you teach a kid to take a shit. He'll be out in 20 minutes.
Cole has been doing great and with the exception of an accident at school on Monday (pee and poop, sorry Mrs. Piller!) he has been making it to the bathroom independently and without reminders. So I'm calling it done. Next, I will attempt to eliminate all crying and whining.

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