Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Car Seat Overload

I am always amazed at the amount of kid shit you have to buy. I certainly would have guessed with having one kid you would need two car seats, one for each car. I quickly realized if you have nice grandmas that will help out they also need car seats. Now it is four. Then you learn that there are 3 or 4 different levels of car seats. Then you have two kids and things just get out of control. Next thing you know you have car seats littered about your house for a cleaning session.

6 of our 8 convertible car seats; infant carrier and bases not pictured

  • 8 convertible car seats: approximately $1,050 (we even got one free)
  • 1 infant carrier and base: approximately $200
  • 3 additional infant carrier bases: approximately $200
  • Total: $1,450
    • Constantly bitching about the cost of kids: Priceless

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