Monday, September 17, 2012

Car Jamming

Lately Cole has been taking more of an interest in what is on the radio or our iPod, which means I am going to have to delete Kristin's crap music and somehow put on radio controls so she can't dial into 103.7 fm. Cole will often shock us by "requesting" a song or starting to sing lines/refrains. Once when a song started up on the radio he told Kristin, "Oh good, I like this one." We often have our iPod on at home without really paying attention to what is playing. We should be happy he seems to favor our 90's deep cuts as opposed to rap or songs with swears, although I'm not sure what is worse - swears or Call Me Maybe. Although, I would love to hear him start rapping a little Perfect Gentleman. He also does a little dance move with his arms, slightly similar to fist pumping.

Cole's current play list:
We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
It's Not Your Fault - AWOL Nation
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Some Nights - Fun
Peaches - Presidents of the United States

He would be happy listening to these over and over and over but we would go nuts. When we need to not hear, "No! We're not gonna take it!" (Twisted Sister is definitely his favorite as previously mentioned) shouted in our ear by Cole we tell him the band members need to rest their voices and take a break. Seems to work because he will then check back in a little later and ask if "the break is over?"

1 comment:

  1. For the longest time Ellie only would listen to Japanese kids songs in the car. She would demand that we turn it on and then she would want us to go through the cd to find something she liked. It was so annoying. Now she's okay with the radio and whatever we have on. Because of this, I don't think I'll ever let her watch DVD's in the car.
