Sunday, November 20, 2011

Picture Day

Today was time again for some Fuchs family photos. I already hate getting my picture taken, and seeing that Cole is almost two and entering "terrible two" land we had an idea it was going to be a bit of a rough time...but this was extra bad. Seriously, it was horrible. Cole was on his worst behavior ever. He would not sit for any pictures. He threw a fit for pretty much the entire hour and a half the photographer was here. He only sat still when we put on Blue's Clues, which is why you will notice his blank stare. We thought going down to the Lake would help lift his mood and he would loosen up a bit but we (Kristin) made the mistake of taking a ball with us to entice him. Never did we (Kristin) think he would insist on holding the ball in every photo. That was not our preference. Plus, if there had to be a ball in the picture to make him happy, I would have hoped Kristin would have at least grabbed a football...not thrilled about the soccer ball.

Henry did a great job though. He really loves to smile and was hamming it up. I have a feeling we may only walk away from this with pictures of Henry. I know for sure that there are no cute Henry and Cole pictures together. We tried to have them sit next to each other, but Cole was not fan and quickly pushed Henry away so we just gave up. I think the closest we got was when we separated them by a pillow. I guess I should just be happy we don't have to do this again for awhile. I am definitely putting the cost of this photo shoot on Cole's "money owed" list.

Click below for a preview, it might be worth it just to see the picture where it looks like Kristin is missing some teeth. Thanks for nothing Cole.

Type A Images

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures and think they turned out great!! The ones outside are beautiful!
