Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pajama Party?

Not sure if Kristin will let me post this blog, but I'll give it a try. (If you didn't know she does function as Senior Editor). I suspect a day long pajama party is going on in my absence. Kristin has been staying home with the kids for awhile now...we won't get into how long, but thanks to the economy it has been longer than expected. It seems she has gotten into a routine; however, I'm just not sure what is involved in that routine. My biggest concern is that the day is spent as one long pajama party. When I leave work everyone is pretty much out of bed, so I know they are not sleeping all day, but when I get home everyone seems to be wearing the same clothes - their pajamas. So what happens during the day? I know this; it is not showering or getting dressed. The kids get baths every night. Kristin does not. Just saying. Do they just play in the playroom? Are they eating? Who knows. Do kids need exercise? If they do they may not be getting it.

In all fairness, I know Kristin is not lying around the house all day eating bon bons, and I'm sure she is very active with the children. It just seems all too familiar when I get home and everyone is in the same spot wearing the same clothes as they were when I left home nine or so hours earlier. I leave and everyone is in the playroom in their pajamas. I get home and everyone is in the playroom in their pajamas.

I found some evidence: Notice how the boys are mostly wearing their jammies.


Cole colors while Henry relaxes

Lion wrestling

Or love making

Not sure...

More chillin' for Henry. I actually do know he pretty much eats and chills all day.


Cole plays music. Henry listens.

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