Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm makin' a list...and it's not for Santa

Cole is AWFUL while he is being changed and dressed. Seriously, I can’t imagine a kid being a bigger pain. He squirms, yells, and thrashes all around. Usually he ends up with half his diaper in his little baby butt crack. I have learned to dress him in pretty much any position he tosses himself in, but it is still a pain and a ton of work. He must just love being naked and/or sitting in a soiled diaper.

Anyway, the other day he broke his humidifier. I was trying to put him in some jeans when he decided to throw a fit. In the midst of squirming and turning, he kicked a basket, which in turn hit the humidifier, which fell on the floor and broke. Of course, it not only broke but spilled water everywhere. Granted it is his humidifier, but I paid for it, so I thought it was a little out of line when he started crying. I’m the one out the $30.00.

After thinking about the mishap, I realized that it was completely his fault and was simply a result of misbehavior. Therefore, I decided to make a list of things broken by Cole. If he is successful when he is older, I expect to be reimbursed. Although judging by his parents, I realize this is not too likely. I am not going to count money spent on clothes, food, toys, etc., but anything he breaks because he's being a little's going on the list!

Most recently Cole broke his Air Tran toy airplane...while throwing a tantrum while being changed, of course! So that is the second item on this list, $10 please.

Cole also likes to steal my pennies and hide them deep, deep in his big cheeks. I am counting those too!

1 comment:

  1. this is hilarious, especially after complaining yesterday that someone took a toy hammer to our dining room table and made about 20 dings in it in a concentrated location. i was pissed too, unfortunately it's a used set, so my reimbursement will do even less in 20 years.
