Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GG Turns 90!

Kristin's Grammie celebrated her 90th birthday this past weekend. I was not able to attend, but Gregg threw quite the party for his mother with lots of food, live music, and plenty of gray-hairs. I was able to enjoy lots of leftovers. The live music, of course, was played by both Grandpas on the guitars and solos from Gregg. Kristin said they even had a sing-along and everyone chimed in. Cole and Henry were a big hit and held by many. I hope Grandma DJ gave them a boiling hot bath afterwards.

I think the terrible two’s are coming out early. Cole loves saying “Hey, Hey!” “No No No” whenever you attempt to move him or make him do something he doesn’t want to do. Actually when he wakes up in the morning or middle of the night he is usually whining in his crib “No No No.” I have no idea what his problem is lately. He seems to be a very opinionated little man.

We got out the potty seat for Cole, just to try and start getting him used to it. He has yet to go in it, but seems to like sitting on it. Sadly he doesn’t always care if the seat is up. Plus, he is usually in his diaper or full on clothing when he takes a seat. I don’t think there is any way he is getting his little “wang chung” out through a diaper for a bathroom break. This morning he told Kristin, "I go poopy Mama!" When in fact he was fully dressed and only squatting over the potty. He also likes to pick it up and move it from room to room upstairs. Then he sets up a little nest with his blankets and sits on the potty and reads books. We are going to have to set some boundaries as this will obviously be a problem once he actually starts filling the potty.

On a non-kid note, I decided that I should stop being a girl and save some money by giving my Camry a tune-up all by myself. Well, five minutes after successfully changing the air filter I managed to break a spark plug off inside the engine. The car had to get towed to the mechanic to get it out.  So much for that idea. CRAP!

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