Wednesday, August 17, 2011

P-p-p-puker Face, P-p-p-puker Face

Yeah, this was definitely one of our more disgusting family experiences. I was playing with Cole and the pictures below shows the result. Kristin was not happy and went straight into the "I told you so" mode. If you see her she will act like this always happens and she always has to tell me not to play so rough with Cole after he eats and I never listen and he ends up puking...blah blah blah. The truth is this is really only the second, maybe third, time.

Since Cole was upside down, puke managed to land on the top of his head. Luckily it was just about bath time. Surprisingly, Cole kept his cool and didn't freak out, even though he couldn't open one eye. I also stayed surprisingly cool and didn't chuck Cole or anything to try and avoid the vomit. I think it was just too funny to be worried about getting puke on myself. Once the smell kicked in it was a different story though. I wanted no part of the "fun" anymore. Thanks to Bella, messes get cleaned up around here pretty quickly. (For those wondering, Bella is our dog that we never talk about and barely acknowledge. And forgot to feed dinner to the other night. Sorry Bella. We still love you.).

1 comment:

  1. while i almost vomited on myself looking at the picture posted (it's actually not that gross, just knowing what it is makes me a little gaggy) the weekly picture is so awesome!!
