Monday, August 29, 2011

Hanktastic - Mr. Fantastic

Yesterday was a big day for Henry. He slept through the night (12 straight hours!) for the first time AND he rolled from his stomach to his back...and we both missed it. Nick was at jury duty and I was at Story Time with Cole (which was a different kind of first for me - had to carry him kicking and screaming out of Barnes and Noble). But Grandma Debbie witnessed Hank's first step towards mobility and they celebrated together.

And then last night we camera phone stalked him so we could witness his new trick. He didn't disappoint.

Since drafting this post we are on night #6 of sleeping through the night - fingers crossed he isn't teasing us. While he made great strides in that department, he has not rolled over since. Nick and I are happy to take sleeping over rolling.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to get 12 hours of sleep! What are you doing to that kid? Are you giving him a sleeping aid of some sorts? If so, I want to know where you are getting it. Brady still is not sleeping thru the night and he is 15 months old..but teething so I guess I can't blame the little tyke.
    Hank is so adorable! You guys are going to have your hands full with these two little boys! All the ladies are going to be after them. CUTE!
