Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Cole's walking has really improved lately and he is starting to experiment with running. He walks into everything and is always falling down...probably because he loves watching his feet and not where he's going. I'm proud to say he typically acts pretty tough about it, but his forehead is beginning to look like a giant mess. If there was any chance he was going to be a genius it is certainly gone. No one can hit their head this often without any consequences. On Friday he fell and hit a leg of a chair. He had a nice cut and his forehead swelled up so much that Kristin called me at work and made me come home an hour early because she thought he needed to go to the I guess I have her over-reactions to look forward to for the next 18 years or so. Once Cole calmed down he was up to his old antics in no time; running, tripping and bumping into walls, although nothing a few Goldfish crackers couldn't fix.

Hospital? Really Kristin.

On Sunday we sold Kristin's Grandma's car and because we met the buyer in Pleasant Prairie we decided to to go to the new Mars Cheese Castle for lunch and continue our Sunday bloody mary tradition.

Suspicions confirmed - we pretty much only hang out with our parents. And both sets at the same time.

Mars Cheese Castle had really nice, clean highchairs. As always, Cole was a charmer, saying "HI" to every weirdo that walked by...

We have also been hard at work, continuing our efforts to get ready for Boy #2's arrival. My Dad and I painted the trim in the nursery and Kristin and I put the crib together. I really didn't want to paint the nursery trim as I don't care if white furniture abuts cream colored trim. I only conceded because Kristin agreed not to make me repaint the walls. I used to keep all my clothes in the closet in the soon-to-be nursery but now I have to move everything into our bedroom. To make enough room for both our clothes we had to do a major closet clean out...MAJOR.

You're welcome Goodwill


  1. Kristin - I really, really want to see pictures of the nursery. It sounds like you decided to keep Cole in his crib too? What are your plans with his room? Will they share?

    Also, my Nick is extremely jealous of your bloody sundays. He was talking about going to different restaurants on the weekends when it's nice out and I told him about your tradition. He asked if he could go with you guys. Lol.

    Love all the pictures and updates:)

  2. I too am really jealous of Bloody Sundays-both the hanging out with parents part and the drinking. You guys are way too productive, I'm impressed!!
