Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Our Easter morning started out less than joyous as we quickly found out that Cole did not give a damn about hunting for Easter baskets.

"I told you I DON'T care!"

 After Nick points out one of Cole's baskets, Cole bursts into tears and tries to escape the playroom

 We finally decide to bring all his presents into the playroom; after Cole spots his favorite snack, yogurt melts, things start to look up...as long as he is allowed to eat freely from the bag.

Happier! Trying out his new bike seat and modeling his tool belt.

Later in the day we went to visit my Grandma, Cole's Great Grandma (GG) and then to Nick's parent's house for lunch with the siblings and cousins. It was the craziness of our Florida trip all over again!!
Hugs for GG

 Monkey pile on Grandpa

Reading with baby Ellie and his other GG

The weather was nice when we got home so we went for a quick walk and Nick seeded some bald patches in our backyard. Bella got the dumbest dog award.

She jumped in but then barked because she apparently forgot how to jump back out

 A cookie our Italian neighbors dropped off for Cole. Apparently a Sicilian Easter tradition, a licorice flavored cookie with a hard boiled egg in the middle. We had high hopes for it's deliciousness factor because the neighbors are amazing cooks but it wasn't that good (Hopefully they never stumble onto this blog).

As always we went to bed early on Sunday. Not sure how we are going to hack it when Boy#2 arrives - Boy#1 exhausts us!

1 comment:

  1. Cole always sports such cute PJ's. Also-he looks very tall in a few of those pics, I think he's gearing up for big brotherhood! Tell me about his new bike seat, we're in the market.
