Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sticky + Cousins

We have been lazy about posting lately. Summer has been so busy and there is never enough time. We are looking forward to cooler weather and slow Fall days so we can catch up on everything we have neglected. A bit of what we have been up to...

Oranges: A new fun food for Cole. He loves sucking out the juice and they keep him pretty busy because they are slippery suckers! The sour face is the best, he has done this before with apple yogurt but that time it was so sour he made himself cry. This time around he shakes and makes his face and then gets right back into the business of eating. So messy and sticky; eating is immediately followed by a long soak in the tub.

Cousins: A few weeks back Cole got to spend some time with his cousins, Lisa and Walt. We were excited for Cole to see them because he loves to look at their pictures at Grandma and Grandpa's house. After we all hung out on Sunday, Lisa and Walt slept over and were with Grandma the next day while she babysat for Cole. I guess Cole didn't want to nap because he didn't want to miss out on the fun. He loved playing with them and Lisa and Walt were so sweet and gentle with him. When I picked Cole up that afternoon, Lisa had drawn a big heart on the driveway and inside it said, "I love Khole" and another heart that said, "Khole is a good boy." I think everyone had fun!

Eight Month Photo Shoot Gone Wild: Cole was less than enthused to participate in this month's photo. You can see the sequence of events. 

The famous "Neutral Face"

Getting bored
On the move
Plan foiled and pissed about it

Worse than the neutral face
So big...and still pissed
We hope to be back with another update sooner rather than later. We are in the middle of a house project and have some other improvements planned.

1 comment:

  1. Cousins - It looks like Walt is going to eat that crab right off of Cole's shirt. Yikes.

