Monday, August 9, 2010

Feeling Like Croup...

Holy crap...worst night EVER. Cole did not sleep. He's got a case of the croup, which besides sounding like a STD, is apparently very painful. I have never been so tired. We tried everything; rocking him, feeding him, rubbing him, anything we could think of we did.  We even took a car ride and plopped him in bed with us and had him watch TV.We were unsuccessful on all counts. Luckily for me, I just returned from a fun trip up north with the guys and Jason (thanks Ryan) and needless to say I was already sleep deprived. Although, before I complain to much about my tiredness, don't worry Cole will be fine. He got a steroid dose and it should clear up in a few days. We are going to have him pump some iron so he makes the most of the 'roids and beefs up those thighs. Our fingers are crossed that he sleeps DEEPLY tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor Cole - and poor you. Matilda's gotten croup a couple of times, and what seemed to help her the most was alternating between a steamy room and a cooler one. Of course, that still means no sleep for the parents. . . I hope it clears up soon.
